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SVAT (Structure Visualization and Analysis Tool) was initially developed in 2011 for interactive 3D visualization and analysis of alloy and intermetallic structures. Over the years, SVAT has evolved with additional functions to meet user demands. SVAT4 was featured in a paper published in Journal of Applied Crystallography and the current version, SVAT6, offers essential functions such as interactive 3D visualization of crystal structure within a unit-cell, including the chemical bonds and magnetic moments.

More functions of SVAT6 include, e.g.,

· Interactive 3D visualization with options for projections in user-selected [uvw] directions or layer-by-layer views.

· Analysis tools for local structures (polyhedral clusters) by defining a central atom and spherical radius.

· New data templates for structure file preparation using 230 standard space groups and alternative settings.

· Importing .xyz files for viewing molecular cluster structures.

· Calculation tools for bond lengths, angles, chemical compositions, and density.

· Saving the full list of atoms in a unit cell for structure modification.

· Animated display modes such as rotation or wobble for enhanced visualization.

· Capability to save work progress to files for quick access and continuation.

· Export structure displays as JPG, PNG, and TIF image formats.

SVAT image

The structure of Bi2Pt with various appearances. Atoms in (a) solid ball, (b) transparent ball, (c) disk and (d) circle and labels in (a) off, (b) numerical, (c) element and (d) atom label.